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Ilse Anysas-Salkauskas

the Alberta College of Art (now called the “Alberta University of the Arts”) in 1980, having majored in textile art.

Cindy Barratt

Cindy was born and resided in Spruce Grove, Alberta until 2009, at which time she moved nearby to Stony Plain. She is a self-taught, professional artist, who was interested in art since childhood and in 1991 decided to pursue it as a full-time career.

Dale Beaven

Visual artist living in Medicine Hat, Alberta whose work has been exhibited since 1987. Born 1950 in Medicine Hat; raised in Ralston, Defence Research Establishment Suffield. Canadian by birth, I now hold dual Canadian/British Citizenship, and have lived in England, Germany, Iran and Saudi Arabia, plus various Canadian cities.

Lois Bauman

Born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in 1943, Lois Bauman takes the wild landscape around her and reinterprets it in dynamic impressionistic style. She applies brilliant colours using free yet reflective brush strokes as she “caresses” the work to completion. Her compelling and highly-collectible paintings of Canadian landscapes can be found throughout her home country and around the world, including Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, England, Wales and the United States.

Grant Berg

Grant Berg is a Grande Prairie based Métis artist with a strong focus on sculpture. As a child Grant was very close to his Cree grandmother, Grant would help her create crafts to sell at the farmers market to supplement her income. A favorite was taking pieces of driftwood and creating a landscape piece by attaching a tree and animal to create a scene.

Jean K. Blackall

Blackall traveled and painted in the Middle East for two years prior to retiring in Southwest Alberta. She continues plien air painting and studio collage work.

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