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TREX SW Travelling Exhibitions 2023 - 2024

The following exhibitions are on tour, and each of the four TREX regions in Alberta has developed custom education guides to move viewers through the various themes presented in each of the exhibitions.

Between September 7, 2023, and August 28, 2024, fourteen exhibitions will tour throughout the Southwest Region of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts Travelling Exhibition Program (TREX). Six of the exhibitions were developed by TREX Southwest (Region 3) as part of the Alberta Society of Artists, including; Land Eater, Nature of Ornament, ReconcililACTIONS, Urban Soul, Niitsitapi Pi’kssíí (Blackfoot Fancy Beings), and The Nameless Boy Who Gave His Name to Sunday.

The remaining exhibitions were organized by our partner regions:

Please click on any of the exhibitions to learn more and to view the corresponding education guides.

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