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The Artists Lens 2020

Within the context of Exposure Festival, we stretched the rules, requesting submissions that related to either the purposeful concept of overexposure or the purposeful concept of underexposure.

Frozen In Time

The Call for Submissions went out to all Alberta artists: “Open to interpretation; the emphasis is on stillness either literally or formally. It may be time – lapse or still frame inspired as in photography or separated from time as in the fragment of a dream or a fleeting memory of the past. Geological and fossilized stratification could also be of interest both in terms of painting or sculpture.”

Emerging Artists Unleashed 2020

Each year, the Society invites all emerging artists who are full-time undergraduate students at a post-secondary university in Alberta to submit artworks along with an Artist Statement to our Scholarship Award incentive.

Artist Talk: Brent Laycock RCA ASA

Artist Talk: Brent Laycock RCA ASA  "The Artist's Brain in Gear" } Saturday, September 12, 2020 1:00PM – 3:00PM MST  ASA GALLERY ALBERTA SOCIETY OF ARTISTS Crossroads Art Centre (NW Entrance) #222, 1235 26 Ave SE Calgary, AB T2G 1R7 – MAP...


The artworks shown in this Alberta Society of Artists juried group exhibition have been selected based upon individual responses to the original call for submissions:
From the Merriam Webster dictionary:
“The origin and etymology of NOCTURN: Middle English nocturne, borrowed from Anglo-French, borrowed from Medieval Latin nocturnus,
going back to Latin, feminine of nocturnus “of the night.”

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