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Honourary Associate Info

Honourary Associate Member Info Angela Bugera, Bugera Matheson Gallery, Edmonton AB The Bugera Matheson Gallery (formerly Agnes Bugera Gallery) opened in 1992 and has since been representing an excellent group of established and emerging Canadian artists. The gallery...

Artists Choice 2020

The Alberta Society of Artists invited all Juried Members to submit to the exhibition, The Artists’ Choice 2020. This annual open-themed exhibition highlights the strengths and interests of the individual artists of the ASA.

Grant Berg

Grant Berg is a Grande Prairie based Métis artist with a strong focus on sculpture. As a child Grant was very close to his Cree grandmother, Grant would help her create crafts to sell at the farmers market to supplement her income. A favorite was taking pieces of driftwood and creating a landscape piece by attaching a tree and animal to create a scene.

Blanca Botero-Fuentes

I live and have a studio in the lovely foothills of the Rockies, near the village of Longview, Alberta, Canada. Born in Pamplona, Spain and educated in Canada, I am firm believer in lifelong learning.

Colleen Campbell

Experiences and learning gleaned during all her travels and work have informed her art of the past four decades. Her exhibition record has been consistent since the mid-1970s and includes work a few international locations: Japan, New Zealand, United States as well as Canada.

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