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Gallery Assistance

Gallery Assistance Overview   Gallery Assistance Artists who participate in any exhibition volunteer to help in various capacities. They may install and strike the exhibition, help organize and attend events. If you are not an artist but would enjoy helping coordinate...

Pamela Copeland

Born in Vancouver but raised in Alberta, nature and art have always been close at hand for Pamela. School projects, drawings, creative projects and a love of the outdoors and all animals in it, were a part of life for as long as she can recall.

Harry Kiyooka

Born in Calgary in 1928, Harry Mitsuo Kiyooka is an accomplished painter and printmaker. A Professor Emeritus of Art at the University of Calgary with tenure of 27 years, Harry holds both undergraduate and Masters degrees in Art and Fine Art.

Chester Lees

aving trained as a graphic designer in her native Wales, widely-travelled Chester’s style has progressed from her Celtic-inspired detailed works of flora and fauna to large format landscapes and murals. Her move to the Canadian prairies brought about a love of the grasslands and expansive skies, increasing dramatically the size and format of her work.

Gisa Mayer

Gisa Mayer was born in Bad Reichenhall, a small spa town in the Bavarian Alps.
She pursued her post secondary education in Munich, Regensburg, Trento and Salzburg. Her emphasis was on Painting and Art History but also included a degree in Romance languages.

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