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Marianne Hunt

I spent my early years in Holland and Indonesia and moved to Canada in 1956. I studied Art History at the University of Calgary while getting a BSc in Microbiology. In 1997 I became a juried member of the ASA.

Yuriko Kitamura

Underlying my painting is a reflection of my thought in everyday life. Subjects are my tool to express my thought, and I want to go beyond what I see. I try to capture the energy of matter in my brush stroke. Life is like a river, a tiny stream that flows towards the Ocean, merging, crashing, and changing as it moves along, then it evaporates and become rain. nurturing all matter.

Marina Klein

I did not choose to be an artist, and like so many others my life was interrupted by children, family issues and now even grandchildren. Like so many others, I am never happy with my choice, my art, my sense of achievement.

Gary Langman

Gary Langman was born in Montreal and graduated with honors from the Canadian Art Academy. Immediately after graduating, Gary worked as a commercial artist for a company called Studio B. Desiring to further his studies as a fine artist, Gary enrolled into the experimental arts program at the Ontario College of Art.

Brent Laycock

Brent R. Laycock was born in Lethbridge, Alberta, in 1947, received BFA and MFA degrees at Brigham Young University in Utah, and now lives in Calgary with his wife, Kathy. They are the parents of five children.