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Call Closing:

  • May 6, 2022


  • Harcourt House

More Information & Application Link:


EXHIBITION TITLE: Land as Muse: Contemporary Art Concepts from Edmonton

EXHIBITION DATES: June 23 to July 9, 2022

OPEN TO: All members in good standing of W.E.C.A.N. Society/Harcourt House Artist Run Centre, working in any visual arts media.


ARTWORK DROP-OFF: June 9-11, 2022


Harcourt House is challenging artists to create/select their submissions based on the exhibition title:

“Land as Muse: Contemporary Art Concepts from Edmonton”

Canada is said to be defined by its geography. More specifically, that geography has been mediated through the tradition of landscape painting that reflects the relationship between landscape art and understandings of territory. These two concepts work together to demonstrate an evolving awareness of the cultural importance of these spaces.

The exhibition’s title references the context of how Canadians regard their physical proximity to a psychological distance of time and space, personal history, and to the land they inhabit. Canada as a country of Indigenous People and immigrants sets up a possibility for artists to re-evaluate their surroundings anew, and to re-interpret their relationships with the land and its inhabitants, Indigenous culture, and with their own cultural heritage. It is in this context that we invite artists to investigate questions concerning their individual relationships with the land, its fragile ecosystem, its inhabitants, and with Canada’s rich and diverse cultural heritage.

We call on artists to submit their works that embrace comments, critiques, discussions on critical environmental and humanist issues, perceptions, and interpretations of Canadian landscape through the artist’s chosen medium. In the end, we expect powerful and compelling works that offer the viewers critical insights into what artists reveal individually and collectively about the country in general and the land in particular.

Exhibition Curators: Asal Andarzipour, Darren Kooyman, and Jacek Malac

Please note that this call is NOT associated with the Alberta Society of Artists. This call is being shared at the request of the organizer. The ASA does this to support Alberta Artists and Alberta Art-Focused Organizations. If you have any questions please contact the organization responsible for the call.

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