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Rachelle Ymay Skilling

I create my art to have a voice. To make visual, to the viewer, what it’s like to be a mother, in this day and at my age.
An art piece usually begins with something I want to talk about or feel passionate about or that I find humorous. My artwork can be perceived by the audience the same way a story is shared from a friend to a friend; by looking, listening, observing and sometimes reading what the story is. I hope my art instigates conversations with people, so they will share their own stories with each other.

Mary Ann Wilson

Interior spaces were on the menu over the last year. With these paintings I’m looking beyond the obvious and embracing the atypical. leaving my images open to interpretation. My process is to craft an image that intrigues me, with an emphasis on light and composition, from a memory, movie or photograph. A departure from exhibiting landscape, I have enjoyed the process of creating this body of work.