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Hooray, We’re Back

A Joint Exhibition of:

Photography and Painting 


Select Juried Members of the ASA

from the Edmonton Area.


Exhibition Dates

February 8th – 18th, 2023

During the run of The Mousetrap 


Walterdale Theatre

10322 83rd Ave NW

Edmonton, Alberta

T6E 5C3

Opening Reception

Tuesday, February 7th, 2023

7:00 pm – 8:00 pm


The Alberta Society of Artists is proud to present a group exhibition featuring the work of Alberta artists Ellen Andreassen, E. Ross Bradley, Debra Ann Hovestad, Mary Whale, Tammy Woolgar, and Brian Zheng.

This exhibition coincides with the play ‘The Mousetrap’ written by Agatha Christie, which runs February 8 – February 18, 2023, and the New Play Festival March 9 – 12, 2023, at the Walterdale Theatre, 10322 83 Ave. NW, Edmonton, Alberta.

There will be a public opening on Tuesday, February 7th, 7 pm-8 pm, followed by a free preview of Walterdale’s production of Agatha Christie’s murder mystery ‘The Mouse Trap”. The exhibition is free and open to the public when the theatre is open.


The Artists

Click on each Artist’s name below to view their ASA profile:

Mary Whale (ASA)

E. Ross Bradley (ASA)

Tammy Woolgar (ASA)

Debra Ann Hovestad (ASA)

Ellen Andreassen (ASA)

Brian Zheng (ASA)


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