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© Mary Whale Lost in Time

Mary Whale



Mary grew up on a small acreage just outside of Edmonton. She later acquired degrees in the arts and nursing at the University of Alberta, traveled the world, and gave birth to three daughters, the latter of which was truly life-altering. Mary has been both a practicing artist and nurse for most of her adult life. She has found them to be mutually rewarding professions with intersecting and permeable boundaries – informing each other in subtle ways. Mary expresses herself through the direct and personal connection of commission pieces, which helps build her studio portfolio. Most recently, she has been exploring the therapeutic potential of the portraiture process, specifically as it applies to the latter part of life and the ageing aesthetic. She has participated in the “Artists on the Wards” program at the University of Alberta Hospital, and is a current member in the Alberta Society of Artists, the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour, and the Federation of Canadian Artists. 

Artist Statement

As an artist, I am moved by the titillating nature of asymmetry and imperfection of the ageing process. I seek the beauty, the poignancy, the drama, and the authenticity in all my subjects. People as subject matter are of special interest to me. I believe each person has a basic need to maintain dignity despite the circumstances of their lives. The complexity of combining the physical and psychological elements of characters has infinite possibilities for artistic expressions.

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