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© Winnie Ho This Way

Winnie Ho



Winnie Ho was born in Hong Kong and studied fine arts at the University of Lethbridge. Now a resident of Calgary, she works at the University of Calgary as a medical researcher. She combines a variety of mediums to variety of mediums to convey her emotions. These include silk screening, silk painting, acrylic and oil, Chinese watercolour, pastel, clay and most recently is digital / confocal images and body sculptures. She believes art is an endless learning process and her channel for liberating the soul.

Artist Statement

My works are seeking to bring together the traditionally separate realms of East and West; art and science. In the synthesis of Oriental and Occidental art, I find comparison rather than contrast and symbiotic relationship wherein the human ingenuity which produces the aesthetic and spiritual, endogenously and exogenously, requires the analytic and curious to attain appreciation. Yin and Yang proceed, crucial to our power to live together in harmony.

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