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© Pam Weber I've thought about us.

Pam Weber



In 1995 she made Calgary her home leaving Ontario behind. With an art education from the University of Guelph; work experience in screen printing, graphic art, and a brief stint as an opaque artist for an Ottawa animation company, the pursuit of art as a full-time career was a natural direction.

Pam is a current member of the Alberta Society of Artists and an associate member of Federation of Canadian Artists, Vancouver.

Her work can be found in commercial galleries, private, corporate, and public collections. Full details available on her website.

Artist Statement

Harmonious landscapes, playful buildings, whimsical wildlife and trees with personality dominate her canvas. Pam’s acrylic palette is bold and bright. She achieves these results by drawing the initial image then layering her paints; layer upon colourful layer. Mark making and stencilling are also utilised in her work. Her work is a visual pleasure, world without angst.

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