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© Mary Deeprose Sunset Moment

Mary Deeprose



Mary Deeprose was born and educated in Alberta.

Throughout her life, she has been preoccupied by colour and surrounded by artistic expression. Her Norwegian mother’s flower gardens and artistic handiwork, her Danish father’s skillful woodwork with the back drop of stunning prairie sunsets inspired Mary to take painting lessons as a teenager.

A year in Europe and some weaving courses, both in Europe and at the Banff School of Fine Art, opened up the creative world of fibre arts to her.

Years later when Mary returned to painting, her chosen medium was watercolour. She moved on to acrylics, then encaustics. While visiting Australia years ago, she encountered a solvent-based paint, much like fluid acrylic. Its versatility and clear, permanent colours sparked her interest. This transparent paint can be applied in layers, or as monotypes, or with gels for texture. This medium has become one of the distinguishing characteristics of her later work.

Mary is a colourist who paints in an impressionistic style.

Artist Statement

For me, painting is the physical act of expressing impressions, memories and emotions.

Experimenting with colour has always fascinated me. Even as a teenager I would mix my oil paints to create new hues and in all the different mediums I have used, colour has played a key role.

Whether using flowing forms in bold colours, or subtle nuances, I express moods and ideas through the shades I choose. When these combinations move in harmony — creating surprising vibrations or contrasting with delicate neutrals — and invite the viewer into my vision, this brings me great joy.

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