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Christine Mitchell



Christine Mitchell began her artistic career working in the tradition of watercolor where she explored the transparencies of the medium. To provide more vibrancy and texture in her work she introduced the opacity of gouache to contrast the different passages of the painting and experimented with line to create movement.

As she experimented with different techniques, the subject matter also began to evolve and she began to focus on individuals in her environment. Her figure work is inspired by a fleeting glimpse of a personality, human individuality or a situation. They reflect precious moments in time, solitude, interactions and relationships.

More recently Christine has embraced the challenge of acrylic and mixed media as a means of creative expression and has expanded her portfolio to include landscape and architectural form. Her landscapes focus not only on the foothills of Alberta, but also the undulating vistas of the Cypress Hills, Saskatchewan, as well as the Downland of her native England. Her architectural subjects are a result of her travel experiences. Her works explore the culture of the area and the many forms that man has used to express himself in building design. The format and the incorporation of line still play an important role in the presentation of her semi-abstract work.

While primarily self taught, Christine has been grateful to those who have inspired her to paint and to “fall of the precipice” in order to allow her the freedom and creativity of the brushstroke.

Christine is a Full member of the Alberta Society of Artists and an associate signature member of the Federation of Canadian Artists. She has won awards through these organizations, as well as the Curry’s M. Graham and Company Award with the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolor, Open Water in 2009. Christine has shown her work in various galleries and venues throughout Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan.


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