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Artists Lens 2020

The Alberta Society of Artists invites all ASA Juried, Life & Associate Members and Members of the Public to participate in the exhibition, “The Artist’s Lens 2020”, coinciding with the Exposure Photo Festival, 2020 and on display at the Calgary Central Library and in Edmonton at University of Alberta Extensions Gallery.
The Alberta Society for Artists Logo


Within the context of Exposure Festival, 2020, we are now going to stretch the rules. We request submissions that relate to either the purposeful concept of overexposure or the purposeful concept of underexposure. Manipulate the photographic medium as you wish. All work submitted has to be authenticated with edition number, title and signature. Digital prints on canvas will not be accepted.

Honorarium of $152.00 will be given to each artist. Please read section 8 Exhibition Fees for more information.


February 1 – February 29, 2020

New Calgary Central Library, 800 3rd Street SE, Calgary, AB

March 30 – April 19, 2020

University of Alberta Extensions Gallery, Edmonton, AB

No Submission Fees

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